Georgia CTI State Leadership Conference
The Georgia Career and Technical Instruction (CTI) Student Organization held its 40th Annual State Leadership Competition Conference on April 19-21, 2022, at the Rock Eagle 4-H Center. The Georgia CTI State Leadership Conference is a highlight of our year because it provides an opportunity for students and teachers from across the state of Georgia to demonstrate the projects and skills that have been achieved after a year of hard work and commitment. We had 72 Georgia High Schools with 410 students in attendance. Five students from the North College & Career Academy attended and participated in this event.

Three students earned top honors.
Pictured left to right: Kyndale Ray, 1st place Floriculture, Allyson Ortiz, Erik Ashogbon, Nauqe Terrell, 1st Place Healthcare Clinical Skills, Tommy Kendricks, 1st Place Drafting & Design