Ag Ed
The Agriculture Education program combines agricultural technical skills with rigorous coursework, leadership training, and an exploration of current agricultural topics. The program consists of three components: classroom/ laboratory experiences, the Supervised Agricultural Experience Program (SAEP) which will allow students to apply what they have learned in the classroom in real-world practical jobs and experiences, and the Career Technical Student Organization, FFA, which provides co-curricular activities that build public speaking skills, personal growth, teamwork, and leadership skills.
Ag Ed is taught at all five high schools. Visit the individual school websites to learn more.

Agriculture nurtures leaders. Students completing an agriculture career pathway will have solid skills in areas related to agriscience, biotechnology, turf management, landscaping, food science, forestry, environmental science, agricultural engineering, and agribusiness management. Georgia’s strong dependence on agriculture will only continue to expand the agriculture-related career opportunities for many years.